Browse Books in History

The Horse
A Galloping History of Humanity

Syrian-Kurdish Intersections in the Ottoman Period

Mediating Spaces
Literature, Politics, and the Scales of Yugoslav Socialism, 1870–1995

Ruin Their Crops on the Ground
The Politics of Food in the United States, from the Trail of Tears to School Lunch

St. Paul Island
The Story of Lighthouses, Shipwrecks, and Lives on "The Graveyard of the Gulf"

Early Modern Naval Health Care in England, 1650–1750

Regards sur l’âme en Nouvelle-France
Histoire des spiritualités individuelles et collectives en espace colonial

Friendless or Forsaken?
Child Emigration from Britain to Canada, 1860–1935

An Accidental History of Canada

The Sunshine Coast
From Gibsons to Powell River, 3rd Edition

Truth Is Trickiest
The Case for Ambiguity in the Exeter Book Riddles

Canadian Criminal Law in Ten Cases

The Last Sunset in the West
Britain's Vanishing West Coast Orcas (Fully Revised and Updated Edition

Carnie King
The Story of Patty Conklin and Conklin Shows

Unrecognized in California
Federal Acknowledgment and the San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians

Signs of the Time
Nłeʔkepmx Resistance through Rock Art

The Dunsmuir Saga

William Lyon Mackenzie King: A Life Guided by the Hand of Destiny

Climate Change, Colonialism and Life Before the Fire

Improving Upper Canada
Agricultural Societies and State Formation, 1791-1852

we the same

Cottage Radio & Other Plays
Cottage Radio, White Wedding & Post Alice

Unwinnable Peace
Untold Stories of Canada's Mission in Afghanistan

A Communist for the RCMP
The Uncovered Story of a Social Movement Informant