Browse Books in History

Geddy Lee's Big Beautiful Book of Bass

Staging Fairyland
Folklore, Children's Entertainment, and Nineteenth-Century Pantomime

Military Education and the British Empire, 1815–1949

The Petrograd Workers in the Russian Revolution
February 1917-June 1918

Made Modern
Science and Technology in Canadian History

The Bedevilment of Elizabeth Lorentz

Profits and Politics
Beaverbrook and the Gilded Age of Canadian Finance

Solemn Words and Foundational Documents
An Annotated Discussion of Indigenous-Crown Treaties in Canada, 1752-1923

The Stories Were Not Told
Canada’s First World War Internment Camps

We All Expected to Die
Spanish Influenza in Labrador, 1918-1919

British Colonial Theories 1570-1850

British Emigration to British North America
The First Hundred Years (Revised and Enlarged Edition)

Canadian Agricultural Policy
The Historical Pattern

Pioneer Arts and Crafts

A Century of Challenge
A History of the Ontario Veterinary College

The Iroquois Book of Rites

Our Living Tradition
First Series

The Valley of the Trent

Church and Sect in Canada
Third Edition

Pioneer Days in Upper Canada

The Great Migration (Second Edition)

Monopolies and Patents
A Study of the History and Future of the Patent Monopoly

University College
A Portrait, 1853-1953

Man and His World/Terres des hommes
The Noranda Lectures, Expo 67/Les Conferences Noranda/L'Expo 67