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Browse Books in History

William Lyon Mackenzie King, Volume II, 1924-1932

The Lonely Heights

by (author) H. Neatby

Sidney Earle Smith

by (author) Edward Annand Corbett

Epistola ad Joannem Millium

by (author) Richard Bentley
introduction by G.P. Goold

The Lives and Times of the Patriots

An Account of the Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1838 and of the Patriot Agitation in the United States, 1837-1842

by (author) Edwin Guillet

English Merchant Shipping 1460-1540

by (author) Dorothy Burwash

Crucial Maps in the Early Cartography and Place-Nomenclature of the Atlantic Coast of Canada

by (author) William F. Ganong
introduction and notes by Theodore F. Layng

A Slice of Canada


by (author) Watson Kirkconnell


A Study in Parallels

by (author) A.E. Carter

Le Roman de Renart

Dans la littérature française et dans les littérature étrangères au moyen âge

by (author) John Flinn

The Politics of John W. Dafoe and the Free Press

by (author) Ramsay Cook

Fiscal Adjustment and Economic Development

A Case Study of Nova Scotia

by (author) John F. Graham

Pioneer Travel in Upper Canada

by (author) Edwin Guillet

Late Archaic Chinese

A Grammatical Study

by (author) W.A.C.H. Dobson

Empire and Nations

Essays in Honour of Frederic H. Soward

edited by Harvey Dyck & H. Peter Krosby

Customs Administration in Canada

by (author) Gordon Blake

Coastal Demes of Attika

A Study of the Policy of Kleisthenes

by (author) C.W.J. Eliot

The Idea of Art as Propaganda in France, 1750-1799

A Study in the History of Ideas

by (author) James Leith

The Story of Canadian Roads

by (author) Edwin Guillet

The American Politics of French Theory

Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault in Translation

by (author) Jason Demers

Tsardom of Sufficiency, Empire of Norms

Statistics, Land Allotments, and Agrarian Reform in Russia, 1700-1921

by (author) David W. Darrow

Ecological Form

System and Aesthetics in the Age of Empire

contributions by Nathan K. Hensley, Philip Steer, Lynn Voskuil, Jesse Oak Taylor, Teresa Shewry, Aaron Rosenberg, Benjamin Morgan, Elizabeth Carolyn Miller, Deanna K. Kreisel, Adam Grener, Sukanya Banerjee & Monique Allewaert
afterword by Karen Pinkus

Calgary through the Eyes of Writers

by (author) Shaun Hunter

Stories of Women in the Middle Ages

by (author) Maria Teresa Brolis
translated by Joyce Myerson

A History of Law in Canada, Volume One

Beginnings to 1866

by (author) Philip Girard, Jim Phillips & R. Blake Brown

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