Browse Books in History

Professional Autonomy and the Public Interest
The Barristers' Society and Nova Scotia's Lawyers, 1825-2005

Hinterland Remixed
Media, Memory, and the Canadian 1970s

Morality at the Margins
Youth, Language, and Islam in Coastal Kenya

Quebec in the Mid-Sixties
Photographs by Jean-Louis Anctil

À Québec au cœur des années 1960
Photographies de Jean-Louis Anctil


A Short History of Manitoba

The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions
From Ultramontane Origins to a New Cosmology

A Mohawk Memoir from the War of 1812
John Norton - Teyoninhokarawen

Wounded Feelings
Litigating Emotions in Quebec, 1870-1950

The Invisibles
A History of the Royal Newfoundland Companies

Voices from the Skeena
An Illustrated Oral History

Duty to Dissent
Henri Bourassa and the First World War

In the Spirit of ’68
Youth Culture, the New Left, and the Reimagining of Acadia

The Clean Body
A Modern History

Vancouver After Dark
The Wild History of a City's Nightlife

Wisdom Engaged
Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being

Four Who Dared
Inspiring Stories of Canadian Airmen in the Second World War

Gorgeous War
The Branding War between the Third Reich and the United States

In Those Days: Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North
Shamans, Spirits, and Faith in the Inuit North

The Flyer Vault
150 Years of Toronto Concert History

Lives Lost:
In Search of a New Tomorrow

Youth Squad
Policing Children in the Twentieth Century

And Other Essays