Browse Books in History

The City Below The Hill
The Slums of Montreal, 1897

A new theory of value
The Canadian economics of H.A. Innis

The Rapids

Etudes sur la Geographie du Canada

Studies in Canadian Geography

British Columbia–Yukon Sternwheel Days

Dictionary of Canadian Biography, Vol. X, Laurentian Edition

Britain and the Last Tsar
British Policy and Russia, 1894-1917

Community in Crisis
French-Canadian Nationalism in Perspective

Raincoast Chronicles
Collector's Edition

Abundant Rivers
Chief Dan George Edition

In Defence of Canada Volume III
Peacemaking and Deterrence

In Defence of Canada Volume III
Peacemaking and Deterrence

Personal Aspects Of Roman Theatre

Twenties in Western Canada
Papers of the Western Canadian Studies Conference, March 1972

The Doomed Democracy
Czechoslovakia in a Disrupted Europe, 1914-38

Tides of Empire
Discursions on the Expansion of Britain Overseas

History Division: annual review, 1972

From boxkite to jet
The memoirs of an aeronautical engineer

The Last Forty Years
The Union of 1841 to Confederation

Report from Peking
Observations of a Western Diplomat on the Cultural Revolution

Crisis Escalation War

Air Board, Canadian Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force

Corporate Canada
14 Probes into the Workings of a Branch-Plant Economy