Browse Books in History
Some sources for women's history in the Public Archives of Canada
Statistical Account of Upper Canada
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1973
Freedom and Order
Collected Essays
Essays on the Reconstruction of Medieval History
Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil
Governor of New France, 1703-1725
Power and Authority in British Universities
The native people in Quebec historical writing on the Heroic Period (1534-1663) of New France
History Division: annual review, 1973
Danish Greenland
Its People and Products
His Own Man
Essays in Honour of Arthur Reginald Marsden Lower
The Provincial Towns of Georgian England
A Study of the Building Process, 1740-1820
For Friends at Home
A Scottish Emigrant's Letters from Canada, California, and the Caribou, 1844-1864
Voices in Exhile
The Decembrist Memoirs
A Canadian Story From Real Life
Canada Investigates Industrialism
The Royal Commission on the Relations of Labor and Capital, 1889 (Abridged)
The Orators in Cicero's Brutus
Prosopography and Chronology
Rural Life in Canada
The Church and the Farm Problem, 1913
Household Words
A Weekly Journal 1850-1859 conducted by Charles Dickens
The Dynamics of Right-Wing Protest
A Political Analysis of Social Credit in Quebec
The New Christianity
The Theology of the Social Gospel
Thoreau MacDonald
A Catalogue of Design and Illustration
Quebec versus Ottawa
The Struggle for Self-Government, 1960-72