Browse Books in History
Highland Scottish Folklore and Beliefs
A History of the Presbyterian Church in Cape Breton
Uncle Angus and the Canso Causeway: and other Cape Breton stories
The History of Canadian Business, Volume II
Memories are made of this
What it was like to grow up in the Fifties
Folklore of Nova Scotia
Language and Religion
A history of English-French Conflict in Ontario
Leslie collection
Social gospel in Canada
Papers of the Interdisciplinary Conference on the Social Gospel in Canada, March 21-24 1973, at the University of Regina
History Division: annual review, 1974
Forgeron de campagne
Un inventaire d'outils
Chronology of Canadian military aviation
Checklist of Toronto cabinet and chair makers, 1800-1865
Ville de Québec, 1800-1850
Un inventaire de cartes et plans
Cities in the west
Papers of the Western Canada Urban History Conference, University of Winnipeg, October 1974
People in the tobacco belt
Four lives
Perspectives on Landscape and Settlement in Nineteenth-Century Ontario
Canadian Indians and the Law
Selected Documents, 1663-1972
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies annual review 1974
Canadian War Museum: annual review 1974
Un ferblantier de campagne (1875-1950)
International Crisis
The Outbreak of World War I
Tinkers and Travellers
Strange Contrarieties
Pascal in England During the Age of Reason