Browse Books in Fiction

Pucked Off

The Utopia Chronicles

Tears of Dark Water

The Illegal

Knife Party at the Hotel Europa

An Extraordinary Destiny

Mara, Marietta:
A Love Story in 77 Bedrooms


Dr. Edith Vane and the Hares of Crawley Hall

Lust and Lemonade

Death Never Lets Go
An Ian McBriar Murder Mystery

Blood Count
A Crang Mystery

The Cure for Death by Lightning

The Cure for Death by Lightning
A play adapted by Daryl Cloran from the novel by Gail Anderson-Dargatz

Wilful Desire

The House Where Angels Dwell

Little Sister
A Novel

Crying for the Moon
A Novel

Jumped In

Jumped In

The Encyclopedia of Lies

Earthly Powers

A Matter of Geography