Browse Books in Higher
Unthinkable Thoughts
Academic Freedom and the One-State Model for Israel and Palestine
Connected Science
Strategies for Integrative Learning in College
Acadia University
Campus Confidential
100 startling things you don't know about Canadian universities (Second Edition)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning In and Across the Disciplines
Inventing Academic Freedom
The 1968 Strax Affair at the University of New Brunswick
Social Work in Africa
Exploring Culturally Relevant Education and Practice in Ghana
Valences of Interdisciplinarity
Theory, Practice, Pedagogy
Degrees of Inequality
Culture, Class, and Gender in American Higher Education
Alfalfa to Ivy
Memoir of a Harvard Medical School Dean
Alfalfa to Ivy
Memoir of a Harvard Medical School Dean
Leadership and Purpose
A History of Wilfrid Laurier University
The Art of University Teaching
In Search of the Visible Past
History Lectures at Wilfrid Laurier University 1973-1974
Academic Callings
The University We Have Had, Now Have, and Could Have
Selling Out
Academic Freedom and the Corporate Market
A Designer's Log
Case Studies in Instructional Design
Minds of Our Own
Inventing Feminist Scholarship and Women’s Studies in Canada and Québec, 1966–76
The Exchange University
Corporatization of Academic Culture
A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials
Whose University Is It, Anyway?
Power and Privilege on Gendered Terrain
All True Things
A History of the University of Alberta, 1908-2008
Learners in Midlife
Graduate Education and Workplaces in Canada