Browse Books in Prejudice & Racism

The Sky's The Limit!
Canadians Who Blazed a Trail in Aviation

Kids Book of Black History in Canada, The

The Possible Lives of W.H., Sailor

The Trailblazing Life of Viola Desmond
A Civil Rights Icon

The Antiracist Kitchen
21 Stories (and Recipes)

Lion on the Inside
How One Girl Changed Basketball

How Humans Live Together

Kimiko Murakami
A Japanese-Canadian Pioneer

Get Out and Vote!
How You Can Shape the Future

What Does Hate Look Like?

The Basketball Game

The Witness Blanket
Truth, Art and Reconciliation

Aggie and Mudgy
The Journey of Two Kaska Dena Children

Orange Shirt Day Book Package

White Privilege Deal With It
Deal with it in all fairness

A Picture Book

Finding Home
The Journey of Immigrants and Refugees

Et si on parlait des préjugés “

Amazing Black Atlantic Canadians
Inspiring Stories of Courage and Achievement

Islamophobia Deal With It
Deal with it in the name of peace

Le chandail orange de Phyllis

Emmy Noether
The Most Important Mathematician You've Never Heard Of

This Is Your Brain on Stereotypes
How Science Is Tackling Unconscious Bias

P.K. Subban
Fighting racism to become a hockey superstar and role model for athletes of colour