Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Saving the Planet One Story at a Time

The Bug House Family Restaurant

Diary of a Fluky Kid

Weeds Find a Way
With Audio Recording

Weeds Find a Way

Life or Death
Surviving the Impossible

The Big Book of Crazy Canadian Trivia

Canada Doodles

I Think We've All Learned Something Here

What Can You Do With Only One Shoe
Reuse, Recycle, Reinvent

Outlaws, Spies, and Gangsters
Chasing Notorious Criminals

-Ful and -Less, -Er and -Ness
What Is a Suffix?

Feet and Puppies, Thieves and Guppies
What Are Irregular Plurals?

Say It's Okay

Professor Astro Cat's Frontiers of Space

Pay It Forward Kids
Small Acts, Big Change

Lasso the Wind
Aurelia's Verses and other Poems

Singily Skipping Along

100 blagues! Et plus... N° 8

100 blagues! Et plus... N° 3

Real Justice: Branded a Baby Killer
The story of Brenda Waudby and the notorious pathologist Dr Charles Smith

Preschool FrenchSmart Activities
Activity Book

Preschool MathSmart Activities
Activity Book

Preschool EnglishSmart Activities
Activity Book