Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Nous conjuguons! Le verbe pouvoir au présent de l'indicatif

Would You Survive?

The Quiz Book About Me... and You!

Imagine a World

When the Slave Esperança Garcia Wrote a Letter

What's the Buzz?
Keeping Bees in Flight

Real Justice: Branded a Baby Killer
The Story of Tammy Marquardt

Oak Island and the Search for the Buried Treasure
and the Search for Buried Treasure

Oak Island and the Search for Buried Treasure

Baby Wild Animals

Baby Birds in the Wild

Urban Tribes
Native Americans in the City

Hiawatha and the Peacemaker

Animal Hospital
Rescuing Urban Wildlife

The Ultimate Book of Hockey Trivia for Kids

Maple Leafs A-Z

The Way to School


P'ésk'a and the First Salmon Ceremony

West Coast Wild
A Nature Alphabet

Stay Strong
A Musician's Journey from Congo to Canada

The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova

The Toddler’s Handbook: Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Sizes, ABC Animals, Opposites, and Sounds, with over 100 Words that every Kid should Know

My Girlfriend's Pregnant
A Teen's Guide to Becoming a Dad