Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Stay Strong
A Musician's Journey from Congo to Canada

The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova

The Toddler’s Handbook: Numbers, Colors, Shapes, Sizes, ABC Animals, Opposites, and Sounds, with over 100 Words that every Kid should Know

My Girlfriend's Pregnant
A Teen's Guide to Becoming a Dad

Give Me Wings
How a Choir of Slaves Took on the World

10 Ships That Rocked the World

DNA Detective

1000 mots anglais-français

Preschool MathSmart Hands-on Activities
Activity Book

Preschool EnglishSmart Hands-on Activities
Activity Book

Preschool FrenchSmart Hands-on Activities
Activity Book

Haunted Canada 5: Terrifying True Stories

Stephen Harper

Terry Fox

What's Great about Michigan?

What's Great about Maryland?

Toes in My Nose
And Other Poems

A Second, a Minute, a Week with Days in It
A Book about Time

Nous conjuguons! Le verbe faire au présent de l'indicatif

Nous conjuguons! Le verbe prendre au présent de l'indicatif

Keepers of the Animals
Native Stories and Wildlife Activities for Children

Aliens Among Us
Invasive Animals and Plants in British Columbia

Out of the Woods
A True Story of an Unforgettable Event