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Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction


Festival of Freedom

by (author) Monique Polak

Champion for Health

How Clara Hughes fought depression to win Olympic gold

by (author) Richard Brignall

Deep Roots

How Trees Sustain Our Planet

by (author) Nikki Tate

Pedal It!

How Bicycles are Changing the World

by (author) Michelle Mulder

Mr. Brown's Bad Saskatchewan Vacation

by (author) Carson Demmans
illustrated by Jason Sylvestre

The Madman of Piney Woods

by (author) Christopher Paul Curtis

The Amazing Twins "W."

by (author) Alain M. Bergeron
translated by Marie-Michèle Gingras
illustrated by Pierre Dutil

Transphobia Deal With It

Deal with it and be a gender transcender

by (author) J. wallace skelton

Surviving the Emotional Roller Coaster

DBT Skills to Help Teens Manage Emotions

by (author) Sheri Van Dijk

Visual Journey

Northwest Coast First Nations and Native Art Colouring Journal

by (author) Native Northwest

Colouring Our Drums

Northwest Coast First Nations and Native Art

by (author) Native Northwest

Colouring Journal

Northwest Coast First Nations and Native Art

by (author) Native Northwest

Je lis! Sciences : Animaux 2

by (author) Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Super boite a lecture pour la classe : Je lis! Sciences : Animaux 1

by (author) Scholastic Canada Ltd.

Nous conjuguons! Le verbe avoir au passé composé

illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

Nous conjuguons! Le verbe être au passé composé

illustrated by Dominique Pelletier

Animal Tracks of Canada

by (author) Tamara Einstein

Birds of Canada

by (author) Wendy Einstein

Mammals of Canada

by (author) Tamara Einstein

Animal Riddles

by (author) Nicholle Einstein

Weird Bugs

by (author) Emily Einstein


by (author) Erin Einstein

Dinosaur Jokes

by (author) Nicholle Einstein

Kiss, Kiss

by (author) Jennifer Couëlle
illustrated by Jacques Laplante
translated by Karen Simon

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