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Browse Books in Historical

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 8: Shirley Goodness

by (author) Perry Nodelman

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 12: Lo, the Perfect Plan

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 4: These Three Gifts

by (author) Maxine Trottier

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 10: Like a Stack of Spoons

by (author) Jean Little

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 5: When War Hits Home

by (author) Julie Lawson

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 7: The Daft Days of Christmas

by (author) Julie Lawson

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 9: A Time to Rebuild

by (author) Maxine Trottier

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 1: Untangling Christmas

by (author) Jean Little

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 2: An Unexpected Visitor

by (author) Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 3: Something That Matters

by (author) Carol Matas

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 6: Reading Henry

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Dear Canada Christmas Story No. 11: Singing a Prayer

by (author) Karleen Bradford

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 11 - La prière de Julia May

by (author) Karleen Bradford

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 9 - Après Batoche

by (author) Maxine Trottier

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 5 - La guerre vue de Halifax

by (author) Julie Lawson

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 4 - Trois cadeaux en or

by (author) Maxine Trottier

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 6 - Le secret de Henri

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : Récit de Noël : N° 12 - Le plan parfait

by (author) Sarah Ellis

Cher Journal : Mes frères au front

Élisa Bates, au temps de la Première Guerre mondiale, Uxbridge, Ontario, 1916

by (author) Jean Little

Cher Journal : Si je meurs avant le jour

Fiona Macgregor, au temps de la grippe espagnole, Toronto, Ontario, 1918

by (author) Jean Little

Cher Journal : Adieu, ma patrie

Angélique Richard, fille d'Acadie, Grand-Pré, Acadie, 1755

by (author) Sharon Stewart

Cher Journal : Prisonniers de la grande forêt

Anya Soloniuk, fille d'immigrants ukrainiens, Spirit Lake Québec, 1914

by (author) Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch

Cher Journal : Entrée refusée

Déborah Bernstein, au temps de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1941

by (author) Carol Matas

Cher Journal : Du sang sur nos terres

Joséphine Bouvier, témoin de la rébellion de Louis Riel, Batoche, Saskatchewan, 1885

by (author) Maxine Trottier

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