Browse Books in Children's Fiction


Hot New Thing

Big Time

Warm Up

Above All Else

Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party


Weird Facts about Canadian Animals

Pounce de Leon

The Elfling Princess

Mega Man 6: Breaking Point

Peace Walker
The Legend of Hiawatha and Tekanawita

The Blind Boy and the Loon

Lord and Lady Bunny — Almost Royalty!
Almost Royalty!

le chiot inuit

Shifting Sands
Life in the Times of Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad

Prince Puggly of Spud and the Kingdom of Spiff

Not My Girl

Blue Gold

War Brothers
The Novel

Frog's Lucky Day (Frog and Friends)

Anna Carries Water

The Alan Nearing Mysteries 2-Book Bundle
The Drowned Violin / Pioneer Poltergeist

L'ours geant
un conte inuit