Browse Books in Women

Sun in Winter
A Toronto Wartime Journal, 1942-1945

The Girl from God's Country
Nell Shipman and the Silent Cinema

The Girl from God's Country
Nell Shipman and the Silent Cinema

Early Journals and Letters of Fanny Burney, Volume 4
The Streatham Years, Part II, 1780-1781

Nellie McClung
The Complete Autobiography

Zarathustra's Sisters
Women's Autobiography and the Shaping of Cultural History

Dropped Threads 2
More of What We Aren't Told

The Doctor Rode Side-Saddle
The Remarkable Story of Elizabeth Matheson, Frontier Doctor and Medicine Woman

Starting Out In the Afternoon

Snowshoes and Spotted Dick
Letters from a Wilderness Dweller

China Diary
The Life of Mary Austin Endicott

Tweleve Weeks in Spring
The Inspiring Story Of Margaret And Her Team

Quite a Curiosity

Ordeal by Fire
A memoir

Nellie McClung

Judging Bertha Wilson
Law as Large as Life

Judging Bertha Wilson
Law as Large as Life

As I Remember Them
Childhood in Quebec and Why We Came West

Constance Lindsay Skinner
Writing on the Frontier

No Place for a Lady
Tales of Adventurous Women Travellers

Setting the Agenda
Jean Royce and the Shaping of Queen's University

The Queen of Peace Room

Fifty Years the Queen
A Tribute to Elizabeth II on Her Golden Jubilee

Kate Rice