Browse Books in Women
As I Remember Them
Childhood in Quebec and Why We Came West
Constance Lindsay Skinner
Writing on the Frontier
No Place for a Lady
Tales of Adventurous Women Travellers
Setting the Agenda
Jean Royce and the Shaping of Queen's University
The Queen of Peace Room
Kate Rice
Fifty Years the Queen
A Tribute to Elizabeth II on Her Golden Jubilee
Auto Da Fay
An Autobiography
Little White Squaw
A White Woman's Story of Abuse, Addiction, and Reconciliation
Rebel Daughter
An Autobiography
Storming the Castle
The World Of Dora and the Duchess
Judge's Wife, The
Memoirs of a BC Pioneer
Timeless Trails of the Yukon
The Follow
A True Story
The Red Flower of China
An Autobiography
Better to Have Loved
The Life of Judith Merril
A Passionate Apprentice
The Early Journals 1897-1909
Trade Secrets
A Memoir
The Mother Zone
The Life and Work of Jane Ellen Harrison
Inside Out
Reflections on a life so far
Invisible Shadows
A Curious Life
The Biography of Princess Peggy Abkhazi