Browse Books in Women
The Illuminated Life of Maud Lewis
A Passion for Art
Woman of Labrador
Nellie McClung
No Small Legacy
Forbidden Mountains
Saturday's Child
Memoirs of Canada's First Female Cabinet Minister
Arts Beat
The Arts in Victoria
A Partisan's Memoir
Woman of the Holocaust
A Very Large Soul
Selected Letters of Margaret Laurence
Tokyo, My Everest
A Canadian Woman in Japan
During My Time
Florence Edenshaw Davidson, A Haida Woman
The Personal Journal of an Ordinary Person
Dandelions Help
Grace Hartman
A Woman For Her Time
Going by the Moon and the Stars
Stories of Two Russian Mennonite Women
Eldon House Diaries
Five Women's Views of the 19th Century
Grace MacInnis
A Story of Love and Integrity
Emily Faithfull
Victorian Champion of Women's Rights
A Victorian Lady's Album
Kate Shannon's Halifax and Boston Diary of 1892
Found Treasures
Stories by Yiddish Women Writers
Adèle Hugo
La Misérable
Grace Woodsworth MacInnis: 1905-1991
A Paintbrush In My Hand
Daphne Odjig