Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Mi'sel Joe
An Aboriginal Chief�s Journey

The Boys of '62: transcending the racial divide (Limited Second Edition)
Vaughan Furriers Maritime Junior Baseball Champions

Where the Clouds Can Go

Silent Heros

The Life and Art of Frank Molnar, Jack Hardman & LeRoy Jensen

Never Shoot a Stampede Queen
A Rookie Reporter in the Cariboo

Bannock and Beans
A Cowboy's Account of the Bedaux Expedition

The 30-Second Commute
A Non-Fiction Comedy about Writing and Working From Home

griddle talk
a yeer uv bill n carol dewing brunch

Theo Tams: Inside the Music

Native Chiefs and Famous Métis
Leadership and Bravery in the Canadian West

Rebel Women of the Gold Rush
Extraordinary Achievements and Daring Adventures

Rocky Mountain Madness
A Historical Miscellany

Flight Of The Dragonfly

This Book is Broken
A Broken Social Scene Story

Bright Seas, Pioneer Spirits
A History of the Sunshine Coast

Retiring the Crow Rate
A Narrative of Political Management

Jimmy Simpson
Legend of the Rockies

The Scalpel, the Sword
The Story of Doctor Norman Bethune

R.E.A.L., from the Edge of the Rock
... a Newfoundland Memoir (2nd Printing)

English Biography in the Seventeenth Century
A Critical Survey

Celebrated Pets
Endearing Tales of Companionship and Loyalty

Tom Longboat
Running Against the Wind

Gold Fever
Incredible Tales of the Klondike Gold Rush