Browse Books in General
The Art and Imagination of Ruben Anton Komangapik
Will Gorlitz
nowhere if not here
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
So I've Been Told
Black Ice
David Blackwood: Prints of Newfoundland
Ken Lum
Julian Schnabel
Art and Film
A Touch of Blossom
John Singer Sargent and the Queer Flora of Fin-de-Siècle Art
Pro Production
Ron Terada
Who I Think I Am 1965-1975
Paul Kane /The Artist/
Wilderness to Studio
A Is for Alice
A Fine Line
Scratchboard Illustrations by Scott McKowen
Concord of Sweet Sounds
Musical Instruments in Shakespeare
The Practice of Her Profession
Florence Carlyle, Canadian Painter in the Age of Impressionism
Peter Flinsch
The Body in Question
A Caledon Sketchbook
A Wood Engraver's Alphabet
Tom Forrestall
Paintings, Drawings, Writings
Off the Wall
Evan Macdonald
A Painter’s Life
Joe’s Politicians
David Claerbout
The Shape of Time
The Great Bratby
A Portrait of John Bratby RA