Browse Books in Art

An Exhibition of Work by Sylvia Ptak

Looking for Snails on a Sunday Afternoon

Bill Reid and Beyond
Expanding on Modern Native Art
Franz Kempf
Thinking on Paper 1955–2002
Anna Torma
Through the Eye of the Needle
The Cult of Happiness
Nianhua, Art, and History in Rural North China

The Exploits of Genny O
Artes Mundi
Wales International Visual Art Prize

Obsession, Compulsion, Collection
On Objects, Display Culture and Interpretation
Gillian Collyer, Marla Hlady, Rhonda Weppler & Trevor Mahovsky

Japanese Children's Fabrics
The Hollywood Films of Douglas Gordon

R.S. McLaughlin Collects

Erik Edson

Machine Life

Colm MacCool and Peter McFarlane

Lorna Mills
Reality Show
or a Darn Good Hat Act

Corruption of Reality
Redefining Realsim: Robert-Ralph Carmichael, Rosemary Sloot, Olexander Wlasenko

Stacey Lancaster
The Trailer Series

2nd Site
Jennifer Murphy, Tony Romano, Colin Stark

Kevin Yates
My Ex-Girlfriend is a Slut

Mavourneen Trainor

Jackson Pollock: Memories Arrested in Space
Memories Arrested in Space