Browse Books in Art
Jane Buyers

Hide in Plain Sight
Peter Dykhuis and Adrian Göllner


About Face
Portaits and Other Pictures

Painted Lives & Shifting Landscapes
Paintings, Prints & Murals

Linda Duvall
Enough White Lies to Ice a Wedding Cake

Rita Letendre
Beginnings in Abstraction

From Our Pioneers, Builders of a Nation

Totem Poles Coloring Book
An Ancient Art

Tinka Coloring Book
A day in a little girl's life

Quebec Sketchbook
1940 - 2004

Working Women
Portraits by Mendelson Joe

Inventing Tom Thomson
From Biographical Fictions to Fictional Autobiographies and Reproductions

Folk Furniture of Canada’s Doukhobors, Hutterites, Mennonites and Ukrainians

Lust Unearthed
Vintage Gay Graphics From the DuBek Collection

Doris McCarthy: Ninety Years Wise

The Garden of Art
Vic Cicansky, Sculptor


A Modern Life
Art and Design in British Columbia 1945-1960

Images in Asian Religions
Text and Contexts

Art Nature Dialogues
Interviews with Environmental Artists

The Book of Small