Browse Books in Art

The Woodcut Artist's Handbook
Techniques and Tools for Relief Printmaking

Carol Wainio
The Book

Tom Benner
Call of the Wild

Husar Handbook

Otto Dix

Studio Billie's Calendar
A Perpetual Calendar
Pro Production

Painters Eleven
The Wild Ones of Canadian Art

John Kissick
A Nervous Decade

Tactical Biopolitics
Art, Activism, and Technoscience


Enfoldment and Infinity
An Islamic Genealogy of New Media Art

Vantage Points
Peer Christensen Marilyn Goslin

Eric Cameron
A Conceptual Approach

Carla Zaccagnini
no. it is opposition

Locating the Past / Discovering the Present
Perspectives on Religion, Culture, and Marginality

Still Life

Elizabeth Lefort
Canada's Artist in Wool

Able Muse Anthology
best of the poetry, fiction, short stories, creative nonfiction, essays, interviews, book reviews, poetry translation, art & photography

Art in Turmoil
The Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1966-76

Full Spectrum
The Architecture of Jeremy Sturgess

Totem Pole, The: An Intercultural History
An Intercultural History

The Collected Comic Strip

Islands in the Salish Sea
A Community Atlas