Browse Books in Art

Karilee Fuglem
Conversations with Light & Air
Jessica Field
Parabolic Behaviours

Joan Balzar
Vancouver Orbital


Billy J. McCarroll
How to Play a Winning Game Your Natural Way

Bollywood Cinema Showcards
Indian Film Art from the 1950s to the 1980s

A Compendium of the Blackwood Gallery's Exhibitions and Projects in 2009
Silent As Glue
Lynda Gammon, Matt Harle, Elspeth Pratt

Rearview Mirror
New Art from Central & Eastern Europe

Lost and Found
Wright of Derby's View of Gibraltar

Lucky Rabbit
Debra Kuzyk and Ray Mackie in an ancient garden

Gordon Monahan
Seeing Sound / sound art, performance and music 1978-2011

Françoise Lacasse
Les déversements / Outpourings

General Idea
Geordie Lishman
Hidden Worlds

Clint Neufeld
Grandpa Used to Wash My Hands with Gasoline

Alex Wyse
Wyse Works: Exposing the Inevitable / Les travaux de Wyse: Exposer l'inévitable

Amin Rehman
White Wash

A Beginner’s Guide to Métis Floral Beadwork

Carvings and Commerce
Model Totem Poles 1880-2010

Affirming Collaboration
Community and Humanist Activist Art in Quebec and Elsewhere
Célébrer la collaboration
Art communautaire et art activiste humaniste au Québec et ailleurs

Expo 67
Not Just a Souvenir