France Posts
Juno Beach
Canada's D-Day Victory — June 6, 1944
Future Tense
The Culture of Anticipation in France between the Wars
When the French Tried to be British
Party, Opposition, and the Quest for Civil Disagreement, 1814-1848
When the French Tried to be British
Party, Opposition, and the Quest for Civil Disagreement, 1814-1848
Reimagining Politics after the Terror
The Republican Origins of French Liberalism
The Court Book of Mende and the Secular Lordship of the Bishop
Recollecting the Past in Thirteenth-Century Gévaudan
The Court Book of Mende and the Secular Lordship of the Bishop
Recollecting the Past in Thirteenth-Century Gévaudan
Dressing Modern Frenchwomen
Marketing Haute Couture, 1919-1939
Highlander in the French-Indian War
The Wisdom of Donkeys
Finding Tranquility in a Chaotic World