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Political Science Canadian

Confronting Illiberalism

A Canadian Perspective

by (author) Peter MacKinnon

University of Toronto Press
Initial publish date
Dec 2024
Canadian, Post-Confederation (1867-), Conservatism & Liberalism
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Dec 2024
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  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Feb 2025
    List Price

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Illiberalism and liberalism compete for the attention of Canadians today. The latter honours values and features that we associate with Western democracies, particularly their democratic institutions and politics, established freedoms, equality of opportunity, and market economies. Illiberal voices challenging them have become more prominent in our politics, universities, and schools and in public administration generally. These voices disparage historical understandings of Western democracy and seek to fundamentally alter its features and values.


In Confronting Illiberalism, Peter MacKinnon argues that the liberalism that has been a foundation of Canadian democracy is in decline, resulting in diminished freedom of expression, a deteriorating political and policy environment, and fraying social cohesion. The book investigates claims that are made in the name of freedom, the decline of our politics, the increase of hate crimes, the persistence of inequality, and the vulnerability of our institutions. Confronting Illiberalism calls upon Canadians to challenge and resist illiberal influence and to restore liberalism to a central place in our public lives.

About the author

Peter MacKinnon is President Emeritus of the University of Saskatchewan and currently interim executive director of the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary.

Peter MacKinnon's profile page

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