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Fiction Literary

The Construction Flops

Building a New Room

by (author) Lana Guzman

by (photographer) Edgar Guzman

Initial publish date
Oct 2023
Literary, Family Life
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Oct 2023
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This fiction series features a number of unrelated urban and countryside construction projects undertaken by different people as their primary occupation, for home improvement, for entertainment, and other reasons. All projects are failures in one or another sense, yet these failures are never recognized by their creators, who believe that their work is a masterpiece. This series is aimed at adult audience and is available in English language only.

About the authors

Contributor Notes

Lana Guzman, MBA is an entrepreneur and writer. She has authored a number of short novels in the series The Unusual Lives. She has also authored a large number of short stories in such series as The Countryside Stories, The Family Affairs, The Neighbourhood Gossip, The Office Legends, The Retail Occurrences, The Road Anecdotes, and The School Tales. She has authored a number of professional books including in The Get-It-Done series: The Get-It-Done Business Plan: Write a Business Plan That Will Get Your Business Financed and The Get-It-Done CV: Create a CV That Will Land You Your Dream Job. She lives in Toronto with her family.

Excerpt: The Construction Flops: Building a New Room (by (author) Lana Guzman; by (photographer) Edgar Guzman)

- "I feel stuffed in here!! I need my own room with more air!" These exclamations were coming from a middle-aged man, who was sharing a tiny apartment with his family, which consisted of his wife and three children. He hated his wife apparently even before he met her. He hated his children before his wife even got pregnant with each of them. But probably more than everyone else, he hated himself. What he was trying to escape from was himself, but that, as you can well imagine, was impossible. So, he had to settle for the next best thing, which was escaping from his family. His plan was to construct a new room in the apartment. As absurd as it may sound, it actually was possible, at least theoretically.

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