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Edgar Guzman

Edgar Guzman headshot

Books by Edgar Guzman

The Get-It-Done Job Search

Find an Employer Who Will Hire You

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Countryside Stories

Johnny is Planning to Build a House or Is He?

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Office Legends

Christmas Gifts

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Construction Flops

Building a New Room

by (photographer) Lana Guzman
by (author) Edgar Guzman

The Neighbourhood Gossip

The Bread Affair

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Unusual Lives: A Chastised

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Family Affairs

Purchasing a Family Vacation House

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The School Tales

The Screamer

by (photographer) Lana Guzman
by (author) Edgar Guzman

The Unusual Lives: A Trafficked

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Unusual LivesL Subjugation

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Retail Occurrences

A Termite

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Road Anecdotes

A Driver's School Class

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Unusual Lives

An Evil(doer)

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Unusual Lives: An Evildoer

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

Los Pequeños Acompañantes Mágicos / The Enchanted Friends

Canarios (Serinus Canaria) / Canaries (Serinus Canaria)

by (author) Edgar Guzman
photographs by Lana Guzman

The Unusual Lives: A Fooler

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Unusual Lives: A Victimizer

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Get-It-Done Data Analysis

Perform a Statistical Analysis That Will Get Your Research Published

by (author) Edgar Guzman
by (photographer) Lana Guzman

The Get-It-Done CV: Create a CV That Will Land You Your Dream Job

Chapter 2

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Get-It-Done Data Analysis: Perform a Statistical Analysis That Will Get Your Research Published

Chapter 1

by (author) Edgar Guzman
by (photographer) Lana Guzman

The Get-It-Done CV

Create a CV That Will Land You Your Dream Job

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Get-It-Done Business Plan: Write a Business Plan That Will Get Your Business Financed

Chapter 10. How to Write "Marketing Plan" Part of the Business Plan

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman

The Get-It-Done Business Plan

Write a Business Plan That Will Get Your Business Financed

by (author) Lana Guzman
photographs by Edgar Guzman