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History Reference

Royal Observations

Canadians and Royalty

by (author) Arthur Bousfield & Garry Toffoli

Dundurn Press
Initial publish date
Jan 1991
Reference, General, General
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    Publish Date
    Jan 1991
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These observations and quotations comprise a witty anthology of anecdotes by and about the royal family in Canada over the last 400 years. Enhanced by drawings from the well-known cartoonist Vince Wicks, this book looks at the memorable encounters, sometimes touching, sometimes disconcerting, sometimes hilarious, that Canadians have had with their own and other royal families. Arranged thematically Royal Observations covers such topics as Queen Victoria, English/French relations, World War Two, native peoples and royal tours.

About the authors

Arthur Bousfield edited and published the periodical Monarchy Canada for many years. He is the author and editor of many books, articles, and reviews on the Crown, and lives in Toronto.

Arthur Bousfield's profile page

Garry Toffoli is an author, editor, media commentator, publisher, and administrator. He writes and lectures on royal, constitutional, political, military, and heritage subjects, and lives in Toronto.

Garry Toffoli's profile page

Editorial Reviews

A work which not only discloses aspects of our heritage which have been buried in a mountain of material accumulated since the 15th century, but because of its long range also serves as a chronicle of the rich relationship between Canadians and royalty, thereby cleverly illustrating just how warmly this country and its people are regarded by our Royal Family.

Monarchy Canada

Each [anecdote] ranges through the emotional scale from poignant to hilarious, each succeeds in distilling an impressive amount of wit and wisdom, and each provides enough read aloud material to drive the most long-suffering spouse up the wall...though not every page panned for inclusion turns out to be a nugget, the cumulative effect is dazzling.

Books in Canada

The stories are serious, poignant, often witty or humorous. Though not a history, this book provides insights into aspects of Canadian history and heritage that are usually ignored or neglected...a good book to dip into, it can be read in large chunks with equal enjoyment.


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