University of Toronto Press
Books from this publisher
Plato's Sun
An Introduction to Philosophy
As For Sinclair Ross
Impulse Archaeology
Written in the Flesh
A History of Desire
Female Enterprise in the New Economy
Mistakes of Reason
Essays in Honour of John Woods
Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume IX
Two Islands, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island
Difficult Justice
Commentaries on Levinas and Politics
Rehousing the Homeless
City Politics, Canada
Collected Works of George Grant
Integrative Antiracism
South Asians in Canadian Academe
Household Politics
Montreal Families and Postwar Reconstruction
Downtown Canada
Writing Canadian Cities
War X
Human Extensions in Battlespace
Dictionary of Canadian Biography / Dictionnaire Biographique du Canada
Volume XV, 1921-1930
Dictionary of Basilian Biography
Lives of Members of the Congregation of Priests of Saint Basil from Its Origins in 1822 to 2002
Partnerships for Prevention
The Story of the Highfield Community Enrichment Project
Access to Care, Access to Justice
The Legal Debate Over Private Health Insurance in Canada
Calling Power to Account
Law, Reparations, and the Chinese Canadian Head tax
The Order of Canada
Its Origins, History, and Developments
Canadian Missionaries, Indigenous Peoples
Representing Religion at Home and Abroad
History of the Book in Canada
Volume 2: 1840-1918
Northrop Frye on Milton and Blake
The Half-Lives of Pat Lowther
Pension Power
Unions, Pension Funds, and Social Investment in Canada
Civic Capitalism
The State of Childhood
Polyglot Joyce
Fictions of Translation
Negotiating Citizenship
Migrant Women in Canada and the Global System
Hidden in Plain Sight
Contributions of Aboriginal Peoples to Canadian Identity and Culture, Volume 1
The Kantian Imperative
Humiliation, Common Sense, Politics