University of Toronto Press
Books from this publisher
Call Me Hank
A Stó:lõ Man's Reflections on Logging, Living, and Growing Old
Doing Time on the Outside
Deconstructing the Benevolent Community
When Canadian Literature Moved To New York
Inside and Outside Canadian Administrative Law
Essays in Honour of David Mullan
Gender, the State, and Social Reproduction
Household Insecurity in Neo-Liberal Times
Schooling and Difference in Africa
Democratic Challenges in a Contemporary Context
Loving in Verse
Poetic Influence as Erotic
In the Days of Our Grandmothers
A Reader in Aboriginal Women's History in Canada
Writing the Roaming Subject
The Biotext in Canadian Literature
Doing Medicine Together
Germany and Russia Between the Wars
Historical Identities
The Professoriate in Canada
Between Caring & Counting
Teachers Take on Education Reform
Working on Screen
Representations of the Working Class in Canadian Cinema
To the Past
History Education, Public Memory, and Citizenship in Canada
Waiting for Macedonia
Identity in a Changing World
The Person in Dementia
A Study of Nursing Home Care in the US
Canada's Governors General, 1847-1878
Biography and Constitutional Evolution
Rural Protest on Prince Edward Island
From British Colonization to the Escheat Movement
In the Agora
The Public Face of Canadian Philosophy
An Irish Working Class
Explorations in Political Economy and Hegemony, 1800-1950
Old Books and New Histories
An Orientation to Studies in Book and Print Culture
Canada's Governors General, 1847-1878
Biography and Constitutional Evolution
Canadian Foreign Policy
Defining the National Interest
Organizational Behaviour in a Global Context
Manuscript Diversity, Meaning, and Variance in Juan Manuel's El Conde Lucanor
Rules, Rules, Rules, Rules
Multi-Level Regulatory Governance
The Roles of Public Opinion Research in Canadian Government
REED in Review
Essays in Celebration of the First Twenty-Five Years
The German Right, 1860-1920
Political Limits of the Authoritarian Imagination
The Politics of CANDU Exports
Hunting the 1918 Flu
One Scientist's Search for a Killer Virus
Aboriginal Health in Canada
Historical, Cultural, and Epidemiological Perspectives