University of Toronto Press
Books from this publisher
Social Purpose for Canada
The Clear Spirit
Twenty Canadian Women and Their Times
The Sixth Sense
Individualism in French Poetry, 1686-1760
The Witenagemot in the Reign of Edward the Confessor
Women's Suffrage and Party Politics in Britain, 1866-1914
Essays in English Literature from the Renaissance to the Victorian Age Presented to A.S.P. Woodhouse
The World of Dante
Six Studies in Language and Thought
Its Science and Doctrine
A New Translation Arranged and Annotated For The General Reader
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Fifth Edition
A World of Love and Mystery
The Snakes of Ontario
The Child and the Institution
A Study of Deprivation and Recovery
The Odonata of Canada and Alaska
Volume Two, Part III: The Anisoptera-Four Families
The Art of the Possible
Government and Foreign Policy in Canada
The Changing Conditions of Politics
Pioneer Public Service
An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 1841-1867
Pioneer Settlements in Upper Canada
Canadian-American Planning
The Seventh Annual Conference on Canadian-American Relations, 1965
The Suburban Society
Patterns of Social Functioning in Families with Marital and Parent-Child Problems
Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts
Papers given at the Editorial Conference University of Toronto, October 1967
John Rae Political Economist: An Account of His Life and A Compilation of His Main Writings
Volume I: Life and Miscellaneous Writings
Detention Before Trial
A Study of Criminal Cases Tried in the Toronto Magistrates' Courts
The Canadian General Eelection of 1957
Crucial Maps in the Early Cartography and Place-Nomenclature of the Atlantic Coast of Canada
The Political History of Newfoundland, 1832-1864
Guideposts of Occupational Therapy
The Modern Mexican Essay
Patterns of Commitment in American Literature
The Narreme in the Medieval Romance Epic
An Introduction to Narrative Structures