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University of Toronto Press

Books from this publisher

Canadian Labour in Politics

by (author) Gad Horowitz

The Career of Arthur Hamilton Gordon

First Lord Stanmore 1829-1912

by (author) J.K. Chapman

The Code and the Cataloguer

Proceedings of the Colloquium on the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules held at the School of Library Science University of Toronto on March 31 and April 1, 1967

edited by Katharine Ball, Katherine Packer & Delores Phillips

Calculus (Third Edition)

by (author) Ralph Jeffery

The Ethical Idealism of Matthew Arnold

by (author) William Robbins

The Seed of Wisdom

Essays in Honour of T.J. Meek

edited by W.S. McCullough

The Valley of Vision

Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary

by (author) Peter Fisher
edited by Northrop Frye

The Eighth President of the University of Toronto

by (author) Faculty of Information Studies

The Last Cannon Shot

A Study of French-Canadian Nationalism 1837-1850

by (author) Jacques Monet

Soldiers of the International

A History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1919-1929

by (author) William Rodney

The Social Credit Movement in Alberta

by (author) John Irving

The Baptists in Upper and Lower Canada before 1820

by (author) Stuart Ivison & Fred Rosser

Partial Differential Equations

by (author) G.F.D. Duff

Sixteenth-Century French Poetry

by (author) Victor E. Graham

The Story of Canadian Roads

by (author) Edwin Guillet

Land Policies of Upper Canada

by (author) Lillian F. Gates

Canadian Political Science Association Conference on Statistics 1961


edited by William Hood & John Sawyer

The History of the Pioneer German Language Press of Ontario, 1835-1918

by (author) Herbert Kalbfleisch

100 to Dinner

Better Cooking for camps, clubs, resorts, schools, institutions, industrial plants, offices, and public dining rooms

by (author) Elspeth Middleton, Muriel Carter & Albert Vierin

A Naturalist's Guide to Ontario

edited by William Judd & J. Speirs


The Making of a University

by (author) Arthur Morton
edited by Carlyle King

Campoamor, Spain, and the World

by (author) Ronald Hilton

Late Han Chinese

A Study of the Archaic-Han Shift

by (author) W.A.C.H. Dobson

Description and Measurement of Bilingualism

An International Seminar, University of Moncton June 6-14, 1967

edited by Louis Kelly

Essays on German Literature

In Honour of G. Joyce Hallamore

edited by Michael Batts & Marketa Stankiewicz

Structures sociales du Canada français

Etudes de membres de la section I de la société royale du Canada

by (author) Guy Sylvestre

George Chapman

A Critical Study

by (author) Millar MacLure

Procedure in the Canadian House of Commons

by (author) William Dawson

The Improvement of Mankind

The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill

by (author) John Robson

Pixérécourt and the French Romantic Drama

by (author) Alexander Lacey

The Inwardness of Things

Joseph Conrad and the Voice of Poetry

by (author) Debra Baldwin

Federico Fellini

Centenary Essays

edited by Marco Malvestio, Jessica Whitehead & Alberto Zambenedetti

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