University of Toronto Press
Books from this publisher
The Future of Canadian Federalism/L'Avenir du federalisme canadien
Quetico Geology
Hydroids of the Pacific Coast of Canada and the United States
The Protective Tariff in Canada's Development
Eight Essays on Trade and Tariff When Factors Move with Special Reference to Canadian Protectionism, 1870-1955
Judicial Review in the English-speaking World
Authorization of Textbooks for the Schools of Ontario 1846-1950
The Tectonics of the Canadian Shield
Poverty in Canada and the United States
Overview and Annotated Bibliography
School Broadcasting in Canada
Mechanics of the Solid State
Tradition in Exile
A Comparative Study of Social Influences on the Development of Australian and Canadian Poetry in the Nineteenth Century
Bibliographie critique du roman canadien-francaise, 1837-1900
Canada and the New International Economy
Three Essays
Selected Papers of Charles H. Best
Imitation & Design and Other Essays
Round About Industrial Britain, 1830-1860
Canadian Economic Policy and the Impact of International Capital Flows
Land and Power
British and Allied Policy on Germany's Frontiers 1916-19
Three Lectures
University of Toronto Installation Lectures, 1958
Canadian Labour in Politics
The Career of Arthur Hamilton Gordon
First Lord Stanmore 1829-1912
The Code and the Cataloguer
Proceedings of the Colloquium on the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules held at the School of Library Science University of Toronto on March 31 and April 1, 1967
Calculus (Third Edition)
The Ethical Idealism of Matthew Arnold
The Seed of Wisdom
Essays in Honour of T.J. Meek
The Valley of Vision
Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary
The Eighth President of the University of Toronto
The Last Cannon Shot
A Study of French-Canadian Nationalism 1837-1850
Soldiers of the International
A History of the Communist Party of Canada, 1919-1929