University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division
Books from this publisher
Someone to Teach Them
York and the Great University Explosion, 1960 -1973
Pensions at Work
Socially Responsible Investment of Union-Based Pension Funds
The Court Book of Mende and the Secular Lordship of the Bishop
Recollecting the Past in Thirteenth-Century Gévaudan
Why Information Is Not Enough
Love, Self-Deceit and Money
Commerce and Morality in the Early Neapolitan Enlightenment
Renaissance Comedy - The Italian Masters Volume 1
Paraphrase on the Gospel of Matthew
Volume 45
The Donut
A Canadian History
Censorship and Literature in Fascist Italy
Sexual Hierarchies, Public Status
Men, Sodomy, and Society in Spain's Golden Age
Reading & Writing the Mediterranean
Essays by Vincenzo Consolo
Fluid Screens,Expanded Cinema
Angus L. Macdonald: A Provincial Liberal
Samuel Butler, Victorian Against the Grain
A Critical Overview
Public Science in Liberal Democracy
Shorter Papers
Volume 20
We Are Now a Nation
Croats Between 'Home and Homeland'
Defamiliarizing the Aboriginal
Cultural Practices and Decolonization in Canada
Socrates on Trial
A Play Based on Aristophane's Clouds and Plato's Apology, Crito, and Phaedo Adapted for Modern Performance
Health Inequality: Morality and Measurement
An Illustrated History
Politics of Public Money
Spenders, Guardians, Priority Setters, and Financial Watchdogs inside the Canadian Government
David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government
The West Beyond the West
A History of British Columbia
Eradicating the Devil's Minions
Anabaptists and Witches in Reformation Europe, 1535-1600
The Quest for Meaning
A Guide to Semiotic Theory and Practice, Second Edition
Race, Racialization and Antiracism in Canada and Beyond
Ethics & the New Genetics
An Integrated Approach
Momigliano and Antiquarianism
Foundations of the Modern Cultural Sciences
Reading and Writing Disability Differently
The Textured Life of Embodiment
Reading and Writing Disability Differetly
The Textured Life of Embodiment
The Holistic Curriculum
Second Edition