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UBC Press

Books from this publisher

Thomas Crosby and the Tsimshian

Small Shoes for Feet Too Large

by (author) Clarence R. Bolt

The Early Years of Native American Art History

The Politics of Scholarship and Collecting

by (author) Janet Catherine Berlo

Trees of Vancouver

A Guide to the Common and Unusual Trees of the City

by (author) Gerald B. Straley

Emerging Issues in Forest Policy

edited by Peter N. Nemetz

Northwest Coast, The

British Navigation, Trade and Discoveries to 1812

by (author) Barry M. Gough

Balancing Act

Environmental Issues in Forestry

by (author) J.P. Hamish Kimmins

Vancouver and Its Region

by (author) Graeme Wynn

Whose North?

Political Change, Political Development, and Self Government in the Northwest Territories

by (author) Mark Dickerson

Contact and Conflict

Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)

by (author) Robin Fisher

Our Chiefs and Elders

Words and Photographs of Native Leaders

by (author) David Neel

The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 28, 1990

edited by C.B. Bourne

A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia

The Recollections of Susan Allison

by (author) Margaret A. Ormsby

Objects of Myth and Memory

American Indian Art at the Brooklyn Museum

by (author) Lise M. Breen, Diana Fane & Ira Jacknis

Sam Selvon's Dialectal Style and Fictional Strategy

by (author) Clement H. Wyke

In Celebration of Our Survival

The First Nations of British Columbia

by (author) Doreen Jensen

Surveying the Canadian Pacific

Memoir of a Railroad Pioneer

by (author) R.M. Rylatt

The Six National Histories of Japan

by (author) Taro Sakamoto
translated by John S. Brownlee

Ethnic Groups and Marital Choices

Ethnic History and Marital Assimilation, in Canada 1871 and 1971

by (author) Madeline Kalbach


Race and Politics in an Island State

by (author) Michael C. Howard

Alex Lord's British Columbia

Recollections of a Rural School Inspector, 1915-1936

edited by John Calam

The Railway King of Canada

Sir William Mackenzie, 1849-1923

by (author) R.B. Fleming

Pacific Salmon Life Histories

by (author) Cornelis Groot & Leo Margolis

Life Lived Like a Story

Life Stories of Three Yukon Native Elders

by (author) Julie Cruikshank

The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 27, 1989

edited by C.B. Bourne

Critical Approaches to the Fiction of Margaret Laurence

by (author) Colin Nicholson

Introduction to Forestry Economics

by (author) Peter H. Pearse

Native Writers and Canadian Writing

edited by W.H. New

Cross-Cultural Caring

A Handbook for Health Professionals in Western Canada

edited by Elizabeth Richardson, Nancy Waxler-Morrison & Joan Anderson

The International Politics of Agricultural Trade

Canadian American Relations in a Global Agricultural Context

by (author) Theodore H. Cohn

Regenerating British Columbia's Forests

edited by R. Parish, C.M. Johnson & G. Montgomery

Reform the People

Changing Attitudes towards Popular Education in Early Twentieth Century China

by (author) Paul J. Bailey

Between the Summit and the Sea

Central Veracruz in the Nineteenth Century

by (author) Alfred H. Siemens

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