State University of New York Press
Books from this publisher

Postnormal Conservation
Botanic Gardens and the Reordering of Biodiversity Governance

Catalyzing the Field
Second-Person Approaches to Contemplative Learning and Inquiry

Immanent Frames
Postsecular Cinema between Malick and von Trier

Love and Violence
The Vexatious Factors of Civilization

A Dream of Hitchcock

Religious Journeys in India
Pilgrims, Tourists, and Travelers

Childhood beyond Pathology
A Psychoanalytic Study of Development and Diagnosis

Nine Nights of the Goddess
The Navar?tri Festival in South Asia

Towards Continental Environmental Policy?
North American Transnational Networks and Governance

From the Streets to the State
Changing the World by Taking Power

Only the People Can Save the People
Constituent Power, Revolution, and Counterrevolution in Venezuela

Citizens' Power in Latin America
Theory and Practice

Vernacular Catholicism, Vernacular Saints
Selva J. Raj on "Being Catholic the Tamil Way"

Wal?yah in the F??imid Ism???l? Tradition

Containing Community
From Political Economy to Ontology in Agamben, Esposito, and Nancy

Oscillations of Literary Theory
The Paranoid Imperative and Queer Reparative

Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka, and Scientific Imagination

A Psychoanalyst in the Classroom
On the Human Condition in Education

Doing Time
Temporality, Hermeneutics, and Contemporary Cinema

Integral Conflict
The New Science of Conflict

Diversity of Sacrifice
Form and Function of Sacrificial Practices in the Ancient World and Beyond

Libre Acceso
Latin American Literature and Film through Disability Studies

Literacy of the Other
Renarrating Humanity

The Testimonial Uncanny
Indigenous Storytelling, Knowledge, and Reparative Practices

Listening to Ourselves
A Multilingual Anthology of African Philosophy

The Pursuit of Wisdom and Happiness in Education
Historical Sources and Contemplative Practices

Hollywood's New Yorker
The Making of Martin Scorsese

Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care

Spiritual Masters of the World's Religions

Reproducing Sectarianism
Advocacy Networks and the Politics of Civil Society in Postwar Lebanon

The Sense of Space

The Kyoto School
An Introduction