Books from this publisher
Intergenerational Influences on Fertility
Computational Methods for Affect Detection from Natural Language
Handbook of Biochips
Integrated Circuits and Systems for Biology and Medicine
Biomimetics and Bionic Applications with Clinical Applications
Deep Learning in Object Detection and Recognition
Systemic Design
Theory, Methods, and Practice
Encyclopedia of Database Systems
Materials Handbook
A Concise Desktop Reference
Crossed Products of C*-Algebras, Topological Dynamics, and Classification
Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 2
Exergy for A Better Environment and Improved Sustainability 1
Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation
Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory
The Wetland Book
II: Distribution, Description, and Conservation
Finite Approximations in Discrete-Time Stochastic Control
Quantized Models and Asymptotic Optimality
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining
Combinatorial Matrix Theory
S.M.A.R.T. Circle Overview
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy
New Perspectives for Materials Characterization
The Day the King Defaulted
Financial Lessons from the Stop of the Exchequer in 1672
Global Space Governance
An International Study
Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials
The Canadian Space Program
From Black Brant to the International Space Station
Convex Analysis and Monotone Operator Theory in Hilbert Spaces
The Organization of Cities
Initiative, ordinary life, and the good life
Episodes in the Mathematics of Medieval Islam
Applied Behavior Analysis
Fifty Case Studies in Home, School, and Community Settings
Spaceports Around the World, A Global Growth Industry
The Pillars of Creation
Giant Molecular Clouds, Star Formation, and Cosmic Recycling
Remembering the Body
Ethical Issues in Body Mapping Research