Discover the essential concepts and new iOS 10 SDK and Swift 3 programming language APIs to build iPhone and iPad database driven applications using the defacto standard for data storage for mobile apps, SQLite.
You will learn about SQL operations, such as selecting, inserting, updating and deleting data using various data types like text, numerical types, images and even audio/video data. After working through this book, you will gain an expert view of developing iOS apps using SQlite as a data storage using Objective-C and Swift.
With Build iOS Database Apps with Swift and SQLite you will also gain expert knowledge on how to create databases at runtime, including creating or modifying indexes, triggers, tables, columns, and views. The examples use time-tested code from working applications.
What You'll Learn:
- Create database and database applications using iOS and Swift
- Insert, select, edit, and delete records
- Extend SQLite
- Work with multi-database apps
- Use SQLite with Swift
- Backup online SQLite databases and more
Who This Book Is For:
Experienced Apple iOS, Swift programmers and developers.
About the author
Contributor Notes
Kevin Languedoc is a software developer with 20 years of solid database development experience. He has worked with all major platforms and technologies in his long and varied career. He brings his expertise in database development to iOS (iPhone and iPad) platform and SQlite. He has developed over 50 iPhone and iPad apps in the corporate level for clients of all sizes. He brings a wealth of practical experience to this book with extensive code samples and working apps.