Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher
The Madness of Fear
A History of Catatonia
Oxford Textbook of Psoriatic Arthritis
Life's rewards
Dopamine, learning, schizophrenia, and the mind
Anti-Oppressive Social Work
Ways of Knowing, Talking, and Doing
The Oxford History of Hinduism
The Goddess
Stoicism: A Very Short Introduction
Pleasure: A History
William Blake's Gothic imagination
Bodies of horror
A Heraldic Miscellany
Fifteenth-Century Treatises on Blazon and the Office of Arms in English and Scots
Seeing, Knowing, Understanding
Philosophical Essays
Textbook of Global Health
A Space for Race
Decoding Racism, Multiculturalism, and Post-Colonialism in the Quest for Belonging in Canada and Beyond
Drug Policy and the Public Good
Extralegal Groups in Post-Conflict Liberia
How Trade Makes the State
Security Entrepreneurs
Performing Protection in Post-Cold War Europe
The Limitations of the Open Mind
Aesthetics on the Edge
Where Philosophy Meets the Human Sciences
Jewish Theology Unbound
Political Institutions and Practical Wisdom
Between Rules and Practice
The Sound of a Superpower
Musical Americanism and the Cold War
Philo of Alexandria and the Construction of Jewishness in Early Christian Writings
Contesting Conversion
Genealogy, Circumcision, and Identity in Ancient Judaism and Christianity
The Life Story, Domains of Identity, and Personality Development in Emerging Adulthood
Integrating Narrative and Traditional Approaches
Beyond the People
Social Imaginary and Constituent Imagination
Making Sense in Religious Studies
A Student's Guide to Research and Writing
Pesticide Dose: Effects on the Environment
Courage in the Democratic Polis
Darjeeling Reconsidered
Histories, Politics, Environments
Oxford Companion to the English Language
The Tunis Crusade of 1270
A Mediterranean History