Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher

Essential Fish Biology
Diversity, structure, and function

The Great Fear
Stalin's Terror of the 1930s

National Wealth
What is Missing, Why it Matters

The Oxford Handbook of Rhetorical Studies

Physician-Assisted Death
What Everyone Needs to Know

Challenging the Modern Synthesis
Adaptation, Development, and Inheritance

Finite Elasticity Theory

The Oxford Handbook of Women and Competition

The Fortifications of Arkadian City States in the Classical and Hellenistic Periods

Special Education Case Studies
for Ontario Classrooms

Pilgrimage as Moral and Aesthetic Formation in Augustine's Thought

On Concepts, Modules, and Language
Cognitive Science at Its Core
Shakespeare in Hindsight
Counterfactual Thinking and Shakespearean Tragedy

Continental Realism and Its Discontents

American Gothic Culture
An Edinburgh Companion

Visionary Spenser and the Poetics of Early Modern Platonism

Invisible Terrain
John Ashbery and the Aesthetics of Nature

Immigrant Youth in Canada
Theoretical Approaches, Practical Issues, and Professional Perspectives

Jihad and Co.
Black Markets and Islamist Power

Central Banks into the Breach
From Triumph to Crisis and the Road Ahead

The Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy

Making Amulets Christian
Artefacts, Scribes, and Contexts

Minoan Architecture and Urbanism
New Perspectives on an Ancient Built Environment

Commitment and Cooperation on High Courts
A Cross-Country Examination of Institutional Constraints on Judges

Performing Queer Modernism

Anticipating the future

Skillful Performance
Enacting Capabilities, Knowledge, Competence, and Expertise in Organizations

The Oxford Handbook of the Canadian Constitution

The Complete Journals of L.M. Montgomery
The PEI Years, 1900-1911

From Proto-Indo-European to Proto-Germanic

Talking History
Romila Thapar in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo