Oxford University Press
Books from this publisher
The Puzzles of Power
An Introduction to Political Science
Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian Environment
'No Car, No Radio, No Liquor Permit'
The Moral Regulation of Single Mothers in Ontario, 1920-1997

Figurative Language and Thought

Crowds, Culture, and Politics in Georgian Britain

Toni Morrison

World Geography

Oxford Handbook in Dental Patient Care
Women's Caring
Saints' Lives and the Rhetoric of Gender
Male and Female in Merovingian Hagiography

Encyclopedia of Semiotics

Liberalism, Justice, and Markets
A Critique of Liberal Equality

Violence, Custom and Law
The Anglo-Scottish Border Lands in the Later Middle Ages
Climbing the Development Ladder with NGO Support
Experiences of Rural People in Pakistan
Building the Railways of the Raj 1850-1900

Edmund Burke: Volume I, 1730-1784

Injury Prevention: An International Perspective
Epidemiology, Surveillance, and Policy

New World Economies
The Growth of the Thirteen Colonies and Early Canada

Graph Theory As I Have Known It

The Reformation and the Towns in England
Politics and Political Culture, c.1540-1640
Breakthroughs: Teacher's Book

Canadian Issues
A Contemporary Perspective

Identities 8
Defining Moments

Identities 9
Endless Possibilities

Discovering the Amazon Rainforest
Digital Democracy
Policy and Politics in the Wired World
How Ottawa Spends 1998-99
Balancing Act: The Post-Deficit Mandate
Basic Family Therapy

Chinese in Canada
Studies in Scientific Realism
Finding Our Way
Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada