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Oxford University Press

Books from this publisher

Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism

by (author) John Finnis, Joseph Boyle & Germain Grisez


A Reader

edited by Steven Davis

Transitions in Society:

The Challenge of Change

by (author) Tony Coccimiglio

The Child with Multiple Birth Defects

by (author) M. Michael Cohen

Taking the Veil

An Alternative to Marriage, Motherhood, and Spinsterhood in Quebec, 1840-1920

by (author) Marta Danylewycz

Small Manufacturing Enterprises

A Comparative Study of India and Other Economies

by (author) Ian M.D. Little, Dipak Mazumdar & John M.,. Jr Page

Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture

edited by K. Evans, D.L. Trudgill & J.M. Webster

The Behavior of the Horse

by (author) Andrew F. Fraser

Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition: Volume 1: Agriculture and Environment

edited by M.D. Nellis

Developmental Immunology

edited by Edwin L. Cooper & Eric Nisbet-Brown

Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism

by (author) Brad Inwood

Batak Cloth and Clothing

A Dynamic Indonesian Tradition

by (author) Sandra A. Niessen

Computer Program Construction

by (author) Ali Mili, Jules Desharnais & Fatma Mili

The Philosophy of Religion

A Buddhist Perspective

by (author) Arvind Sharma

Panic Disorder

The Facts

by (author) Padmal de Silva & Stanley Rachman

Late Glacial and Postglacial Environmental Changes

Quaternary, Carboniferous-Permian, and Proterozoic

edited by I. Peter Martini

New Directions in the Sociology of Law

edited by Gayle MacDonald

The Surgical Neonate

Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

by (author) David Hatch, Edward Sumner & Jonathan Hellmann

Medicine in the Frail Elderly

A Problem-oriented Approach

by (author) Roy A. Fox & John A.H. Puxty

Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Polyatomic Gases: Volume 2: Cross-sections, Scattering, and Rarefied Gases

by (author) Frederick R.W. McCourt, Jan J.M. Beenakker, Walter E. Kohler & Ivan Kuscer

Forestry, Economics and the Environment

edited by W.L. Adamowicz, P. Boxall, M.K. Luckert, W.E. Phillips & W.A. White

Contributions to Neuropsychological Assessment: Tests: 1. Temporal Orientation (record forms)

by (author) Arthur L. Benton, Kerry deS Hamsher, Nils R. Varney & Otfried Spreen


by (author) William Kinderman

Blake Records Supplement

being new materials relating to the life of William Blake discovered since the publication of Blake Records (1969)

by (author) G.E. Bentley

Vitamins in Human Health and Disease

by (author) Tapan K. Basu & John W.T. Dickerson

Critical Care

Standards, Audit and Ethics

edited by Jack Tinker, Doreen R.G. Browne & William J. Sibbald

Reading Human Geography

The Poetics and Politics of Inquiry

edited by Trevor Barnes & Derek Gregory

The Cartulary of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem in England

Part 2: Prima Camera, Essex

edited by Michael Gervers

The Refugee in International Law

by (author) Guy S. Goodwin-Gill

Round Dance

An Introduction to Native Studies

by (author) Thomas King


by (author) Gordon Roberts & Adel Sedra

Introduction to Circuits with Electronics

An Integrated Approach

by (author) P.R. Belanger, E.L. Adler & N.C. Rumin

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