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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

Prince Michael Vorontsov

Viceroy to the Tsar

by (author) Anthony Rhinelander

Confrontation at Winnipeg

Labour, Industrial Relations, and the General Strike

by (author) David J. Bercuson

Confrontation at Winnipeg

Labour, Industrial Relations, and the General Strike

by (author) David Bercuson


Two Centuries at Murray Bay

by (author) Philippe Dubé

Prince Michael Vorontsov

Viceroy to the Tsar

by (author) Anthony L.H. Rhinelander

Game Planners

Transforming Canada's Sport System

by (author) Donald Macintosh & David Whitson

Planets, Potions, and Parchments

Scientifica Hebraica from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Eighteenth Century

by (author) Barry Levy

Ethnic Demography

Canadian Immigrant, Racial and Cultural Variations

by (author) Shiva Halli

Boys and Girls Apart

Children's Play in Canada and Poland

by (author) Stephen Richer

A Certain Difficulty of Being

Essays on the Quebec Novel

by (author) Anthony Purdy

Irving Layton and Robert Creeley

The Complete Correspondence, 1953-1978

by (author) Ekbert Faas & Sabrina Reed

Ideology and Class Conflict in Jamaica

The Politics of Rebellion

by (author) Abigail B. Bakan

Certain Difficulty of Being

Essays on the Quebec Novel

by (author) Anthony Purdy

Greek Scepticism

Anti-Realist Trends in Ancient Thought

by (author) Leo Groarke

How Ottawa Spends, 1990-1991

Tracking the Second Agenda

by (author) Katherine A.H. Graham

How Ottawa Spends, 1990-1991

Tracking the Second Agenda

by (author) Katherine A.H. Graham

Canada Among Nations, 1989

The Challenge of Change

by (author) Maureen Appel Molot & Fen Osler Hampson

The Drug Solution

Regulating Drugs According to Principles of Efficiency, Justice and Democracy

by (author) Chester Nelson Mitchell

Missed Opportunities

The Story of Canada's Broadcasting Policy

by (author) Marc Raboy

Missed Opportunities

The Story of Canada's Broadcasting Policy

by (author) Marc Raboy

Fear of the Ride

by (author) Ronna Bloom

Global Regimes and Nation-States

Environmental Issues in Australian Politics

by (author) Robert Boardman

Fear of the Ride

by (author) Ronna Bloom

Middle Power Internationalism

The North-South Dimension

by (author) Cranford Pratt

Seeking New Horizons

A Perceptual Approach to Geographic Education

by (author) Henry W. Castner

Thomas Attwood

The Biography of a Radical

by (author) David Moss

Upper Ottawa Valley to 1855

by (author) Richard Reid

Champions of the Truth

Fundamentalism, Modernism, and the Maritime Baptists

by (author) George A. Rawlyk

Syntactic Recoverability of Null Arguments

by (author) Yves Roberge

The Dévotes

Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France

by (author) Elizabeth Rapley

Challenge of Arctic Shipping

Science, Environmental Assessment, and Human Values

by (author) David L. Vander-Zwaag & Cynthia Lamson

Under Technology's Thumb

by (author) William Leiss

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