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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

Sport under Communism

The USSR, Czechoslovakia, The GDR, China, Cuba

by (author) James Riordan

The Canadian Economy and Disarmament

by (author) Gideon Rosenbluth

Finnish Folk Poetry - Epic

An Anthology in Finnish and English

edited and translated by Matti Kuusi, Keith Bosley & Michael Branch

The Political Economy of Germany: 1815-1914


by (author) Martin Kitchen

No Soft Options

The Poltico-Military Realities of NATO

by (author) Peter Hill-Norton
foreword by J.M.A.H. Luns

The Making of Urban Scotland

by (author) Ian H. Adams

Politics in High Latitudes

The Svalbard Archipelago

by (author) Willy Ostreng

The Gaelic Vision in Scottish Culture

by (author) Malcolm Chapman

The Defence of the Undefended Border

by (author) Preston

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1955-1965

Selected Speeches and Documents

by (author) Blanchette

A Critical Spirit

The Thought of William Dawson LeSueur

by (author) McKillop

Agricultural Economy of Manitoba Hutterite Colonies

by (author) John Ryan

Canadian Foreign Policy, 1955-1965

Selected Speeches and Documents

by (author) Blanchette

Foremost Nation

Canadian Foreign Policy and a Changing World

by (author) Norman Hillmer

A Hundred Years Eating

Food, Drink, and the Daily Diet in Britain Since the Late Nineteenth Century

by (author) James P. Johnston

Experience and Identity

Birmingham and the West Midlands, 1760-1800

by (author) John Money

Llyod George and Foreign Policy

The Education of a Statesman, 1890-1916, Vol. 1

by (author) Michael G. Fry

The Reluctant Europeans

The Attitudes of the Nordic Countries towards European Integration

by (author) Toivo Miljan

Homosexuality and Literature


by (author) Jeffrey Meyers

The Canadian House of Commons

Procedure and Reform

by (author) John B. Stewart

Tanzanian Doctor

by (author) Leader Stirling
introduction by Julius Nyerre

The Frontier and Canadian Letters

by (author) Wilfrid Eggleston
introduction by D.O. Spettigue

Keynesian Economics

by (author) Mabel F. Timlin
contributions by A.E. Safarian

The Doukhobors

by (author) George Woodcock & Ivan Avakumovic

Anatomy of the Spy Thriller


by (author) Bruce Merry

Anarchism in France

The Case of Octave Mirbeau

by (author) Reg Carr

Canadian Population Trends and Public Policy Through the 1980s

by (author) Leroy O. Stone & Claude Marceau

John Ford

Baroque English Dramatist

by (author) Ronald Huebert

Quest for an American Sociology

Robert E. Park and the Chicago School

by (author) Fred H. Matthews

Northern Sphinx

Iceland and the Icelanders from the Settlement to the Present

by (author) Sigurdur A. Magnusson

Oil in the People's Republic of China

Industry Structure, Production, Exports

by (author) Wolfgang Bartke

Mercenaries for the Crimea

The German, Swiss, and Italian Legions in British Service, 1854-1856

by (author) C.C. Bayley

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