McGill-Queen's University Press
Books from this publisher
Community Besieged
The Anglophone Minority and the Politics of Quebec
Styles of Meaning and Meanings of Style in Richardson's Clarissa
Canada: The State of the Federation 1998/99
How Canadians Connect
A Great Place to Raise Kids
Interpretation, Science, and the Rural-Urban Debate
The Irish in Ontario
A Study in Rural History, Second Edition
Irish in Ontario, Second Edition
A Study in Rural History
The Communications Revolution at Work
British and Canadian Perspectives on the Social & Economic Impact of Recent Innovations in Communications Technology
Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism
Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism
Politics of Visual Language
Deafness, Language Choice, and Political Socialization
Road to Egdon Heath
The Aesthetics of the Great in Nature
Future of NATO
Enlargement, Russia, and European Security
Do We Care?
Renewing Canada's Commitment to Health
The Veterans Charter and Post-World War II Canada
The Excluded Wife
Do We Care?
Renewing Canada's Commitment to Health
Pauline Jewett
A Passion for Canada
Pauline Jewett
A Passion for Canada
Fontanka 16
The Tsars' Secret Police
Restructuring Societies
Insights from the Social Sciences
Feminist Politics on the Farm
Rural Catholic Women in Southern Quebec and Southwestern France
Theology of the Oral Torah
Revealing the Justice of God
Alejandro Malaspina
Portrait of a Visionary
Milton Acorn
In Love and Anger
On Their Own
Making the Transition from School to Work in the Information Age
No Justice, No Peace
The 1996 OPSEU Strike against the Harris Government in Ontario
All the God-sized Fruit
British Generals in the War of 1812
High Command in the Canadas