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McGill-Queen's University Press

Books from this publisher

Thinking about Faith

Speculative Theology

by (author) Tibor Horvath

Proximity, Levinas, and the Soul of Law

by (author) Desmond Manderson

Not Needing all the Words

Michael Ondaatje's Literature of Silence

by (author) Annick Hillger

Irish Nationalism and the British State

From Repeal to Revolutionary Nationalism

by (author) Brian Jenkins

Great Heart

The History of a Labrador Adventure

by (author) James West Davidson & John Rugge

Towards North American Monetary Union?

The Politics and History of Canada's Exchange Rate Regime

by (author) Eric Helleiner

Changing Places

History, Community, and Identity in Northeastern Ontario

by (author) Kerry M. Abel

Parallel Paths

The Development of Nationalism in Ireland and Quebec

by (author) Garth Stevenson

Canada: The State of the Federation, 2004

Municipal-Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada

by (author) Robert Young & Christian Leuprecht

Towards a Francophone Community

Canada's Relations with France and French Africa, 1945-1968

by (author) Robin S. Gendron

The Boundaries of Meaning and the Formation of Law

Legal Concepts and Reasoning in the English, Arabic, and Chinese Traditions

by (author) Sharron Gu

The Invention of Journalism Ethics, First Edition

The Path to Objectivity and Beyond

by (author) Stephen J.A. Ward

A Kingdom of the Mind

How the Scots Helped Make Canada

by (author) Peter E. Rider & Heather McNabb

Frontiers and Sanctuaries

A Woman's Life in Holland and Canada

by (author) Marianne Brandis

Encounters with Wild Children

Temptation and Disappointment in the Study of Human Nature

by (author) Adriana S. Benzaquén

Kingdom of the Mind

How the Scots Helped Make Canada

by (author) Peter E. Rider & Heather McNabb

Against Judicial Activism

The Decline of Freedom and Democracy in Canada

by (author) Rory Leishman

Sonic Experience

A Guide to Everyday Sounds

by (author) Jean-François Augoyard & Henri Torgue

As One Who Serves

The Making of the University of Regina

by (author) James M. Pitsula

Terra Nostra

The Stories Behind Canada’s Maps

by (author) Jeffrey S. Murray

Violence and the Female Imagination

Quebec's Women Writers Re-frame Gender in North American Cultures

by (author) Paula Ruth Gilbert

Refugee Sandwich

Stories of Exile and Asylum

by (author) Peter Showler


The Struggle for Midwifery in Ontario

by (author) Ivy Lynn Bourgeault


How Canada's Pretend Foreign Policy Has Undermined Sovereignty

by (author) Roy Rempel

Fight, Flight, or Chill

Subcultures, Youth, and Rave into the Twenty-First Century

by (author) Brian Wilson

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1948-1957

Community or Alliance?

by (author) John C. Milloy

Bringing Power to Justice?

The Prospects of the International Criminal Court

by (author) Joanna Harrington, Michael Milde & Richard Vernon

Legalizing Misandry

From Public Shame to Systemic Discrimination against Men

by (author) Paul Nathanson & Katherine K. Young

Reason and Self-Enactment in History and Politics

Themes and Voices of Modernity

by (author) F.M. Barnard

A Woman with Demons

The Life of Kamiya Mieko

by (author) Yuzo Ota


The Language of Corporate Leadership

by (author) Joel Amernic & Russell Craig

Freedom, Equality, Community

The Political Philosophy of Six Influential Canadians

by (author) James Bickerton, Stephen Brooks & Alain-G Gagnon

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