Ekstasis Editions
Books from this publisher
The Mirrors of Éléonore
You Shall Have No Other
Potato Blossom Road
In the Fold of the Hills
Hammers and Bells
little creatures
Selected Poems
Silence is a Healing Cave
The Last Indian Summer
The Artful Songwriter
Echoes from Pluto
Poems 2009-2013
A Dog Named Normal
Found in Translation
An Anthology of Poets from Quebec
Songs from the Hive
Penny-Ante Poems
a book of break down
Blood of the Moon
30th Anniversary Edition
Island in the Light
Of Amber Waters Woven / Tissée d’eau et d’ambre
For a Savage Love / Por un amor salvage
Thirty Years: The Ekstasis Anthology
Softwood Trumpets
The Gravediggers
Fight Fire With Spirit
Selected & New Poems
Elephants' Graveyard
Seven Lakes Further North
New & Selected Poems