Dundurn Press
Books from this publisher
Battle Cry at Batoche
Dinosaur Fever
Running With Dillinger
The Story of Red Hamilton and Other Forgotten Canadian Outlaws
Little Emperors
A Year with the Future of China
Paddling Partners
Fifty Years of Northern Canoe Travel
The K Handshape
A Christine Morris Mystery
To Stand and Fight Together
Richard Pierpoint and the Coloured Corps of Upper Canada
Les Insubordonnés et les insurgés
Des exemples canadiens de mutinerie et de désobeissance, de 1920 à nos jours
Boxcar Kid
The Law of Three
A Sarah Martin Mystery
Mrs. Simcoe's Diary
The Dells
A Joe Shoe Mystery
Perilous Passage
Terror Threat
International and Homegrown Terrorists and Their Threat to Canada
Les guerriers intrépides
Perspectives sur les chefs militaires canadiens
Intrepid Warriors
Perspectives on Canadian Military Leaders
Photographing Greatness
The Story of Karsh
Queen and Consort: Elizabeth and Philip
60 Years of Marriage
The Master of Jalna
The Northern Horizons of Guy Blanchet
Intrepid Surveyor, 1884-1966
Jan Rubes
A Man of Many Talents
Murder Fit for a King
In This Poem I Am
Selected Poetry of Robin Skelton
One Voice
The Selected Sermons of W. Gunther Plaut
Hell and High Water
The War Room
Political Strategies for Business, NGOs, and Anyone Who Wants to Win
Short Candles
Trumpets Sound No More
An Inspector Endersby Mystery
Strange but True
Canadian Stories of Horror and Terror
The Legacy of John Waldie and Sons
A History of the Victoria Harbour Lumber Company
Ecstasy of the Beats
On the Road to Understanding
Now You Know Extreme Weather
The Little Book of Answers