Dundurn Press
Books from this publisher
Winds Through Time
An Anthology of Canadian Historical Young Adult Fiction
Great Tips for Your Small Business
Increase Your Profit and Joy in Your Work
Quarriers Story
One Man's Vision That Gave 7,000 Children a New Life in Canada
Pomiuk, Prince of the North
Death by Exposure
Finders Keepers
Chasing the Arrow
By the Skin of His Teeth
A Barkerville Mystery
Moose to Moccasins
The Story of Ka Kita Wa Pa No Kwe
Scotland Farewell
The People of the Hector
Pleased to Meet You
Victim of Convenience
A Chris Crane Mystery
Viking Terror
Stories From Small Towns When Sin Was Fun
Les Écossais
The Pioneer Scots of Lower Canada, 1763-1855
Dangerous Passage
Issues in the Arctic
Murder, Eh?
A Belle Palmer Mystery
The Canadian UFO Report
The Best Cases Revealed
Vivian Untangled
Dead in the Water
Guidebook to the Historic Sites of the War of 1812
2nd Edition, Revised and Updated
A Kidnapped Mind
A Mother's Heartbreaking Memoir of Parental Alienation
Pearson's Prize
A Gentleman of Substance
The Life and Legacy of John Redpath (1796-1869)
The Desperate Ones
Forgotten Canadian Outlaws
The Drowned Violin
An Alan Nearing Mystery
Toronto Sketches 9
"The Way We Were" Columns from the Toronto Sunday Sun
Colossal Canadian Failures 2
Perspectives on the Canadian Way of War
Serving the National Interest
The Unwritten Girl
The Unwritten Books
Journeys into the Unknown
Mysterious Canadian Encounters with the Paranormal